Glasgow Central Station SKYLINE Apartment with Parking (2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 living room-Kitch(Glasgow Central Station SKYLINE Apartment with Parking (2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 living room-Kitch)
160 Bothwell Street, The Pinnacle Building, Glasgow City Centre 查看地图
Glasgow Central Station SKYLINE Apartment with Parking (2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 living room-Kitch(Glasgow Central Station SKYLINE Apartment with Parking (2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 living room-Kitch)
Glasgow Central Station SKYLINE Apartment with Par位于著名的格拉斯哥市中心区,地理位置便捷。 住宿内设施齐全,可为住客提供舒适的入住体验。 Glasgow Central Station SKYLINE Apartment with Par的工作人员秉承顾客至上的服务理念,为您提供宾至如归的入住感受。 部分客房内设 衣柜, 清洁工具, 毛巾, 地毯, 衣架等设施,加上温馨舒适的设计装饰,定能带给住客宾至如归的感受。 住宿内设多种休闲娱乐设施。 Glasgow Central Station SKYLINE Apartment with Par是在格拉斯哥 旅行休闲时的完美住宿选择。